Mars in Taurus

Taurus is governed by Venus, a feminine watery planet. It shares a neutral relationship with Mars, which on the other hand, is a fierce masculine energy. When Mars is placed in such a stubborn sign having a delicate planet as its lord, its energy is not as active as in other signs. People born with Mars in Taurus have a low physical drive and level of activity. However, their mental concentration is outstanding. These people learn a lot from their experiences and mistakes. In fact, these are some of the most determined and stable people.

They have a strong penchant for beauty and arts such as music, paintings, luxuries etc due to the influence of Venus. Some of them also have an artistic talent up their sleeve. These natives want to live a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle. Mars gives them the ability to manage their money wisely so they tend to have a strong hold over financial matters. Such people tend to be inclined towards love and sensuality. In fact, at times, they also have more than one lover. They often feel dissatisfied with their spouse and relationship. They can also be overly possessive and violent in love and sexual matters due to the overflow of energy given by Mars.

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