Mars in Leo

The lord of Leo is Sun, which is friend with Mars. Both Mars and Sun are masculine fiery planets. This is a positive placement because the person gets the abilities from Mars and the confidence to shine out from the Sun. People born with Mars in Leo are quite helpful and generous in nature. They are clever and intelligent and know how to use their abilities wisely. These native tend to have many a tricks up their sleeves. This position of Mars also gives a fondness for travel, and love for hilly places and forests. Penchant for poetry and fine arts is also possible with Mars in Leo. Mars here also gives a great capacity to learn.

Their physical energy is boundless and their creativity outshines. These people also have a strong willpower and confidence. Leadership quality is ingrained in their personality. While they can be demonstrative physically, they are quite affectionate beings from inside. These people are always in an excited mood and keep the aura of a room filled with exuberance. Mars in Leo people take proud in their sexual abilities. Excess of passion and pride can also bring them defame and troubles though.

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