Venus in Pisces

Venus is exalted in Pisces so naturally, this position brings positive results. Due to the influence of the water element, the personality of Venus in Pisces people runs deep, much like a river. Like the ebb and flow in the water, people with this placement also experience moodiness. However, water can also stand still, and these people also have a tendency to become taciturn and suffer in silence. Venus is the planet associated with love and when it is placed in Pisces, the person is usually submerged in romance. Such people have attractive looks and a polite speech. Their words work like magic, melting hearts. Such people tend to be very famous as well as fortunate. They earn a lot of wealth throughout their life.

Venus in Pisces people are highly accommodating and flexible too, just like water takes the shape of the vessel it is poured into. And this especially applies to their love life. They have a strong fear of rejection that underlines their subtle behavior in love. They try their level best to keep their partner happy and relationship smooth. This is because their need for love and understanding is strong. They need someone to control their emotions and suppress the occasional outbursts, like what a dam does to unbridled water.

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