Saturn in Capricorn

Capricorn is a movable earth sign ruled by Saturn, an airy planet. Capricorn born people have a lot of resilience and fighting spirit to face the storms of life. When Saturn is placed in its own signs, the results are likely to be positive, unless any affliction of other planets is there. This placement of Saturn makes the native a hard working person. Such people realize their ambitions, despite the delay and obstacles. Saturn also relates to the 10th house, which represents profession. Saturn also represents subordinates and when it is placed in Capricorn, the native likely gets a lot of help and support from them.

Such people are endowed with a lot of knowledge about Vedic scriptures. These natives tend to be inclined towards social service and help others a lot. They are honorable and respected beings. They love to travel abroad and are also fond of fine arts. There is a strong desire for ambition and power in these people. Career holds great importance to them. They are dependable and delightful to be around. They can also be suspicious and selfish at times but their manner is polite and respectful. They have a great sense of organization in life.

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