Moon in Leo

Leo is a strong and fierce sign ruled by Sun, which is a fiery planet that shares a friendly relationship with Moon. The relationship of Sun and Moon works like a seesaw, together these two forces work like father and mother who balance a household despite their differences. When the fire of the Sun is too much to handle, the watery Moon balances the energy. Having Moon in Leo, you are likely to be a confident person, with a strong desire to lead. You like to rely on your own efforts than asking someone for help. You attach your emotions to whatever you indulge in, whether it’s a new relationship or a new job.

Your leadership skills are excellent and you have the confidence needed to influence the masses. Your outlook towards life is quite positive. Person with Moon in Leo has royal personality, and so is your dressing sense. There is a regal quality about you, and that explains your never-ending love for luxuries. You like to have non-vegetarian food. Moon in Leo person is outgoing, cheerful, charitable, and dutiful. People listen to what you say, much like a teacher. At times, you feel alone. You tend to earn a lot of recognition as well. However, Moon in Leo also causes stomach related disorders at times.

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