Ketu in Aquarius

The ruling planet of Aquarius is also Saturn and both are friendly to each other. Saturn is the significator of detachment from the materialism and Ketu is also associated with spiritual liberation. People born with Ketu in Aquarius are quite learned and understand the reality of life. But despite this knowledge, they struggle to get rid of their desires. Ketu in Aquarius gives never-ending desires to the person. Saturn also relates to social service and so does Aquarius. Ketu’s placement further aggravates one’s inclination towards benevolent tasks. Ketu is an airy planet and when it is positioned in Aquarius, the native tends to make unrealistic plans and has unnecessary desires.

This position of Ketu also makes the native prone to ear related problems. These people get success in life but belatedly. They are quite strict and stubborn in nature. It is quite difficult to convince them to make a change against their wish. These people also inherit health issues from their family. Their relationship with friends and their own children does not flourish much. Instability in income is also possible for these natives. Ketu in Aquarius also boosts one’s chances to travel abroad.

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Ketu Sign

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