Missing Controller

Error: ImgController could not be found.

Error: Create the class ImgController below in file: app/controllers/img_controller.php

class ImgController extends AppController {

	var $name = 'Img';

Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/views/errors/missing_controller.ctp

Notice (8): Undefined variable: popup_display_status [APP/views/layouts/default.ctp, line 217]
(default) 2 queries took 13 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT `PageRedirection`.`id`, `PageRedirection`.`url`, `PageRedirection`.`new_url` FROM `page_redirections` AS `PageRedirection` WHERE `PageRedirection`.`url` = '/img/v2/horoscop-icon.png' LIMIT 1000
2SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `page_management_pages` AS `PageManagementPage` WHERE `PageManagementPage`.`url` = '/img/v2/horoscop-icon.png' AND `status` = 'published' 1113