Your 2023 Income & Gains Analysis


What would your net income be in 2023? What would your wealth index be? What would be your potential sources of gains in 2023? Which are the sources that will drain your wealth or bring you losses and, therefore, you must avoid?

A wealth and income mapping of your horoscope will help you understand these nuances along with other facts like when would your income and gains period be activated in 2023.


How does the Wealth & Income Mapping work?

  • During 2023, many planets shall pass through your house of wealth (2nd House) & your house of income (11th house). Each day these houses come under a positive influence, you will make more money & your wealth would swell.
  • Unique positions in your horoscope would quantify gains that would come from investments, real estate, savings, debt, & self-efforts. Such gains would come in purely on the back of your luck or your hard work.
  • Similarly, your house of expenses & losses (12th House) would get activated along with your house of setbacks (8th House) and debts (6th house). The time various planets spend in these positions would cut down the gains & income & create setbacks.


Benefits of the 2023 Income & Gains Report

Our team would put together a curated and customized report covering dates and periods during 2023 to help you understand the following:

  • When your income & gains will remain activated.
  • Period that would bring losses or loss of income or gains.
  • Positive & negative financial periods of 2023.
  • Your net income score for 2023.
  • Your potential sources of gains in 2023.
  • Vedic remedies & practices to push your income & financial position higher in 2023.



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‘I requested the Urgent Questions Service of & I enjoyed very much my astrologer's readings and I highly recommend him! Thank you!!!’

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‘I ordered a 2023 Horoscope Reading - Thank you for predictions, highly impressed.’

Pune, Maharashtra


Helpful Tips:

  • Identify when your income & gains will remain activated.
  • Your net income score for 2023.
  • Your potential sources of gains in 2023.
  • Vedic remedies & practices to push your income & financial position higher in 2023.

Report Size:

12 Pages


