Saturn Transit Report


Saturn in Aquarius (17 January 2023 to 29 March 2025)


This is one of the most positive moves that comes within the 30-year cycle of Saturn. With the age of Aquarius in operation, this Saturn’s move will help us all transform towards technology and usher in a digital era that we read mostly in science fiction.

  • This transit will make our society, lifestyles, method of communication, earning, and majority of our lifestyle technology oriented.
  • With Saturn in Aquarius, we should be ready for a very interesting and eye-opening journey through 27 months, with change being the only constant in our lives.

How would this transit affect YOU?

  • Saturn’s move into Aquarius is like getting back to office and taking command and charge of responsibilities. You will make connections, receive the appropriate information and showcase emotional maturity.
  • The eleventh zodiac, Aquarius, is the best placement for Saturn. Hence, Saturn entering Aquarius in 2023 will see the fulfilment of your desires, provided you are determined, disciplined and put in hard work.
  • Saturn in Aquarius will give you the confidence to come in front of people, take command and execute plans.
  • At the same time, it can give you pieces of information that can put you through confusion. Hence, a sound thought process and access to information will be key requisites for better performance during 2023-25.

Saturn’s movements during 17 January 2023 – 29 March 2025

  • Saturn’s journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra will shift from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years.
  • Saturn will transit Dhanishtha Nakshatra twice: Jan 2023 - 15 March 2023 & 15 March 2023 - 24 Nov 2023.
  • Saturn will transit Shatabhisha Nakshatra twice: 15 March 2023 - 15 Oct 2023 & 3 Oct 2024 - 27 Dec 2024.
  • Saturn will be combust during 5 Feb 2023 - 12 March 2023 & 17 Feb 2024 to 24 March 2024.
  • Saturn will turn retrograde between 17 June 2023 & 4 Nov 2023 and then again between 30 June 2024 & 15 Nov 2024.

What are the benefits of the Saturn Transit Report?

Our team has put together a very detailed and practical report that tracks each move of Saturn to provide you with clear guidance on:

  • Effects this Saturn change will have on your name & well-being, finances, assets & investments, children, relationships, inheritance, luck, & career.
  • Critical period when Saturn will have a run in with other planets & plot its journey through various nakshatras.
  • Timeline of when Saturn would bring you gains.
  • Periods that are treacherous, need caution & pragmatism at your end.
  • Opportunities & challenges during these 2 ¼ years of your life.
  • Each Saturn phase needs some Vedic remedies - the report will cover those for you.

Helpful Tips:

  • Effects this Saturn change will have on your name & well-being, finances, assets & investments, children, relationships, inheritance, luck, & career.
  • Timeline of when Saturn would bring you gains.
  • Periods that are treacherous, need caution & pragmatism at your end.
  • Opportunities & challenges during these 2 ¼ years of your life.
  • Vedic remedies for each Saturn phase.

Report Size:

12 Pages


