Ruchak Yoga Analysis

Ruchak Yoga Analysis


Exceptional Logic, Planning & Execution Skills

Ruchak Yoga is formed by the exceptional strength of Mars. It is formed when Mars is either in your 1st (ascendant), 4th, 7th or 10th house and is in great strength, i.e., is in its own house of Aries or Scorpio or in its exaltation sign of Capricorn.

Ruchak Yoga is also known as a Maha Purush (Exceptional Human Being) Yoga and is found in the birth chart of only a few fortunate people! There are only 5 powerful planetary combinations acknowledged in Vedic Scriptures which create Maha Purush Yoga that makes one stand apart from the crowd and very distinguished. Ruchak Yoga is one of them.

A yoga, as you might already know, is Vedic Astrology’s unique method of calculating some stellar positions and combinations of planets where the Sum of the effect of those planets is more than the parts that add up to form the Yoga. A yoga confers some unique and powerful results, whether they are beneficial or maleficent, on the person where the yoga resides.

How does Ruchak Yoga shape your life?

  • Ruchak Yoga confers respect in society, great strategic skills,  determination, strength of character & dynamism.
  • It confers a unique logic for life that sees life events with a vision to win but with fair means.
  • It ensures meteoric rise in life during the periods of Mars.
  • It is very difficult to stand against a person with Ruchak Yoga and win.

Some famous personalities with Ruchak Yoga in their horoscope

  • Mahatma Gandhi (Father of the Nation, India)
  • Elon Musk (South African-Born American Entrepreneur)
  • Shah Rrukh Khan (Indian Actor & Film Producer)
  • Priyanka Gandhi (Indian Politician)
  • Lata Mangeshkar (Indian Playback Singer)


How can you amplify the benefits of this Yoga?

  • This is a positive and active yoga; you need to avoid negative action and play behind the scenes.
  • Indulge in physical activities like sports, exercises, cycling, biking, etc. that give an adrenaline rush.
  • Control your anger with breathing exercises & wellness programs.
  • Improve your talent by focusing on creativity.
  • Do not have expectations from others.
  • Declutter yourself by focusing on the positive areas of your life.

Benefits of Ruchak Yoga Report

Our team would prepare for you a Ruchak Yoga report to:

  • Analyse the exact location and strength of Ruchak Yoga in your horoscope to understand those aspects of your life that have been strengthened by this yoga, so you can use that strength to your advantage.
  • Understand the strength & timing of effects over the next 5 years.
  • Excess power brings some flaws also; the report will help you identify the flaws and work around those.
  • In case negative planets hold back the effects of this yoga, the report will help you find a way around such blocks.
  • Remedies to mitigate challenges.

Helpful Tips:

  • Analyze the strength of Ruchak Yoga in your horoscope.
  • Get strength & timing of effects over the next 5 years.
  • Guidance on actions you should take & avoid, to enhance good effects.
  • In case any negative planets have held back the results, method to overcome that.

Report Size:

12 Pages


