Natal Mars Report

Natal Mars Report


The objective of this report is to acquaint you with the energy (or the deficiency of energy) that Mars brings to your horoscope and your character. The idea is to help you find the areas of strength and weaknesses associated with Mars, and the special yogas in which Mars participates in your horoscope (both positive and negative).

Let’s remember that no person has left a legacy or a name in history without Mars’ blessings!

Mars in your Horoscope

Mars, like other planets, is judged in many ways. The house placement is just one of the many ways it is done.

Natal Mars Report is one of the most useful reports as it acquaints you with your Natal planet, whose affect would remain throughout your life.

Benefits of Natal Mars Report

  • Number associated with Mars’ strength.
  • The aspects of life that will grow or bring challenges due to Mars (this gives us a good idea whether to give Mars more power or subdue it with your Karma).
  • Help you discover Mars’ true nature for you.
  • Suggestions on how to use Mars’ energy for yourself.
  • Cautions and remedies vis-à-vis Mars’ effects.

Mars plays a very important role in shaping one’s destiny as hard work, dynamism, physical power, sports, and various forms of aggression are connected with Mars.

Helpful Tips:

  • Help you discover Mars’s true nature for you.
  • Some suggestions on how to use Mars’s energy for yourself.
  • Cautions & Remedies for Mars’s effect on you.

Report Size:

12 Pages


