Atmakaraka Reading

Atmakaraka (Your Soul Planet) Reading



What were you born to do? Your Amatakaraka holds the key!

If you ever wish to determine the most important planet in your horoscope, then identifying the planet that acts as the ‘Atmakaraka’ in your horoscope would be sufficient.

Atmakaraka helps identify the type of human being you really are, the quality & mettle of your character & even the spiritual development for you in this lifetime since it is the planet that rules over your Soul. It completely defines your worldly pursuits in this life, holds the answers to why you came back on this earth & what is your greater role in the cosmic scheme of things.


How does your ‘Atmakaraka’ make you progress in life?

Each planet gets to act as an ‘Atmakaraka’ and has a unique story and lesson for your mission in this life. For example:

  • When Sun acts as your Atmakaraka, the purpose of your life is to attain success, power & fame. There would be ample opportunities to own an authoritative position in the government or in some organization. However, your ego becomes the barrier to achieving great goals.
  • When Jupiter acts as your Atmakaraka, the purpose of your life is spirituality & sharing acquired knowledge. Knowledge & wisdom would be the most powerful tools and way of life for you. Paying respect to elders, teachers & Gurus is the main key to enhancing your quality of life.
  • When Moon acts as your Atmakaraka, the purpose of your life is to nurture and care for others. An essence of emotional touch develops the connection with people around you, irrespective of the existence of inner drifts & conflicts.
  • When Rahu acts as your Atmakaraka, the purpose of your life is to know the intent of life or birth. Your life may encounter many sudden events & surprises, though an essence of spirituality would empower you to remain steady.
  • When Venus acts as your Atmakaraka, the purpose of your life is to spread love & affection, to enjoy sexual relationship & luxury. It inclines you towards an urge for relationships or love affairs. It makes you popular among the opposite sex; but the desire for casual sex can bring unpleasant outcomes.
  • When Mars acts as your Atmakaraka, the purpose of your life is a strong desire to win & acquire strength. Channelizing the high energy tides would become most desirable. Arguments, however, become the main tool of success & at times a means to defeat.
  • When Mercury acts as your Atmakaraka, the purpose of your life is skilled communication & adaptability along with a deep analytical & systematic approach. It may also lead to spirituality & fulfillment of desires.
  • When Ketu acts as your Atmakaraka, the purpose of your life is a deep understanding of Self & the knowledge of divinity. It makes you seek knowledge of the occult sciences & engage in soul-searching.
  • When Saturn acts as your Atmakaraka, the purpose of your life is to work hard without caring about outcomes. Duty worthiness & a disciplined approach, coupled with courage & righteousness, is reflected in your way of life. Delays & hurdles can become the reason for demotivation at times.


Benefits of Atmakaraka Reading

Identifying your ‘Atmakaraka’ will help you chart your path on to this life’s journey towards attaining the zenith of success your soul is capable of achieving. Our detailed analysis will help you:

  • Find your Atmakaraka with a detailed idea about your purpose & true mission on this earth.
  • Identify special periods in your spiritual & material journey, connected with your Atmakaraka.
  • Offer unique suggestions & remedies to unlock special secrets about yourself that you didn’t know.



Helpful Tips:

  • Find your Atmakaraka & deatils about your purpose & true mission on earth.
  • Identify special periods in your spiritual & material journey, connected with your Atmakaraka.
  • Suggestions to unlock special secrets about yourself that you didn’t know.

Report Size:

12 Pages


