Venus Transits Pisces (15 Feb – 11 Mar)

Venus exalts in Pisces & is its strongest during 2023. All areas of your life concerned with Venus will peak during this period. Love, passion, creativity, & productivity will be at a high.

Venus Transits Pisces

Venus will transit Pisces during 15 February 2023 till 11 March 2023. It will be transiting through its exalted sign of Pisces making this transit progressive in terms of how you relate to forging a new understanding in current relationships, expanding job opportunities and spending money on luxuries and comforts for yourself and loved ones.

  • You will experience productivity, an expansion of your creative potential and gains via intrinsic talents in professional prospects when Venus, the planet of love and relationships, conjuncts Jupiter, the planet of growth, in the exalted sign of Pisces.
  • If you're single, you'll strive to start a new relationship or make marital commitment in an existing one. If you are married, you may consider adding a fresh spark or spice to your marital relationship by making new declarations of love with mutual efforts.
  • Venus's transit through Pisces, its exalted sign, gives a sense of self-realization, shifting the intense sentiments of love and passion into the zone of selflessness where the emphasis is on originality and healing of connections with both new and current partnerships.
  • The transit of Venus in Pisces will indicate a sense of self-determination, where your efforts in love and tenderness with family and romantic time with spouse will be rewarded.
  • Venus's transit from one sign to another has an impact on your responsibilities to your spouse, family, friends, and other people in your immediate surroundings.


How Will This Transit Affect YOU?



This transit will make your relationships, marriage, family & finances shine.

Your 2nd and 7th houses — which are related to family, finances, marriage, and partnerships — are governed by Venus. In the 12th house of expenditure and foreign earnings, where Venus will be transiting Pisces, professional advancement and personal bliss are predicted, but prudence with spending is advised.

Your work life will be prosperous and successful; you'll make good money running your own business, and there's a chance you'll get promoted or get paid more, but you'll need to be on the lookout for opportunities to make money abroad.

Due to strong communication and mutual understanding, your personal relationships will be defined by harmony and success. This transit will also usher in new connections for fresh commitments. As long as you make an effort to spend quality time with your partner or spouse, they will be pleased and happy. For the comfort of your family and loved ones, you will probably spend more than you need to, but you should exercise caution to avoid making irrational purchases that might limit your ability to make ends meet.

Maintain a healthy diet and exercise daily, and incorporate yoga and meditation into your routine for improved immunity, physical fitness and mental peace.



This transit will make your personality and health shine; there will be high returns from previous investments.

Your 1st (ascendant) and 6th houses of ego, strength, debt, sickness, and rivals are ruled by Venus. Venus will be transiting through the 11th house of revenue, profits and fulfillment, which represents mental satisfaction in all facets of your life.

Your professional front will reflect the success of your hard efforts, with a concentration on your goals and prompt actions guided by the situation's requirements, blessing you with beneficial advantages. You will benefit from this transit in terms of salary increase, professional success and financial gain through investments in safe resources.

Your personal front will expose the depth of your relationship with your spouse or partner, where you will both value and respect each other's privacy while making an effort to spend quality time together in order to maintain a healthy romantic relationship during this transit and beyond.

Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine, and incorporate yoga and meditation into your routine for improved immunity, physical fitness and mental peace.



This transit will bring you recognition and promises a great phase for love and romance, relationship with children, spirituality, and foreign connections.

Your 5th and 12th houses — which are related to love, children, spending, desire, and losses — are governed by Venus. You will be blessed with intrinsic qualities to thrive on a personal and professional level thanks to Venus' transit through the 10th house of status, career and profession.

Your professional life will be blessed by the transit of Venus in Pisces, bringing you favorable possibilities, recognition, financial gain, and career advancement. If you are a professional, your efforts will yield positive results, but you need to exercise caution to avoid damaging your reputation by being overconfident about your abilities.

You will benefit financially from whatever prior investments you have made, which will result in profitable financial gains throughout this transit.
You will have all the tools you need for communication and expression in the love sphere with your spouse, family and children, and you will spend extra money to surprise your loved ones, but keep in mind that love is more crucial to relationships than money is for their maintenance.



This is the time for enhanced wealth and financial gains; you will make new friends and there are chances of promotion at work.

Venus governs comforts, happiness, stability, gains, and profits of your 4th and 11th houses. During this transit, Venus will be in the 9th house of luck, fortune and spirituality, which will bring the cards of travel, advancement and recognition for you.

Your professional position will be blessed by the transit of Venus in Pisces, and your hard work and perseverance will not only strengthen your professional expertise and experience, which will provide positive earnings and profits not only during this transit but also in your prospects for the future.

Through investments in property and earnings from business endeavors, you will generate substantial income during this time. If you are a salaried employee, your achievement will be reflected in salary increase and promotions.

Your personal life will improve and become more charming with your partner, and you will be more progressive vis-à-vis your relationships with your family and partner, especially with respect to your relationship with your father. You will be given the opportunity to go on long trips with your loved ones, which will allow you to spend quality time with them while still having the potential for professional growth.



This transit will strengthen your relationship with siblings, there will be appreciation from others, you will gain wealth and there will be tremendous growth in your career.

Your 3rd and 10th houses, which are related to initiative, young siblings, short travels, career and status, are ruled by Venus. Venus will be transiting the 8th house of obstacles, where abrupt gains or losses indicate unforeseen obstacles in your personal and professional life. As a result, it is crucial to exercise caution when it comes to your health.

Your professional life will be less progressive, with problems surfacing from every angle in your career that will not only test your abilities and confidence but also analyze how you handle difficult circumstances with the right actions taken at the right times to partially recover from any professional setbacks. It is advisable that you keep a close eye on your financial situation and refrain from making any personal or professional investments during this transit.

You'll have average relationships and levels of understanding on the personal front, but you'll get along well with your family and siblings. Your relationship with your siblings will become stronger despite occasional differences of opinion as they may look to you for assistance or counsel on personal problems.

Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine, and incorporate yoga and meditation into your routine for improved immunity, physical fitness and mental peace.



You will see phenomenal success in your career and gain wealth during this transit; there will be a good occasion for celebration in your family.

Your 2nd and 9th houses of speech, family, finances, luck, spirituality, and extensive travel are governed by Venus. Venus's transit through the 7th house of partnerships, marriag and employment will bring general success to both your personal and professional life.

The professional front will be balanced with an equally favorable time for both salaried and independent entrepreneurs, where your timely efforts and hard work with exceptional performance will bring you a good reputation, recognition and monetary benefits, as well as strong connections with your partner and superiors.

Due to the returns that will be redeemed from prior investments, the financial card indicates that this period will provide you with a steady financial quotient.
Your personal life will be spontaneous and lively thanks to the warmth of your relationship with your partner, as your marital relations will improve. During this time, you'll work hard to maintain the love and devotion towards your partner.

Traveling with your loved ones or spouse is in the cards, which will be beneficial for your relationships. Your social circle will appreciate your magnetic qualities that will attract new friendships.



Your personality will dazzle in this transit, you will gain wealth and there will be a new job opportunity.

Venus rules over the ascendant or 1st and 8th houses of Self, nature, personality, obstacles, and unexpected gains or losses. During this transit, Venus will be transiting the sixth house of enemies, debts and sickness, which implies a less progressive tendency of events that will require awareness and effort.

Your professional front will have a slow and average rate of growth, and the outcome of your endeavors will be determined by your perspective, efforts and the sheer amount of hard work, all of which must be balanced with patience and focus. Unexpected expenses and job losses may cause a sudden financial strain, which might lead to an imbalance between income and spending and affect the stability of wealth.

Your personal front will grow with warmth and mutual understanding in your family relationships since you will comprehend your partner's problem in every matter. The future holds a loving partnership with your spouse, thanks to your efforts and patience in love.



You will receive recognition for work during this transit, which will also enhance your love relationship and facilitate a foreign travel or opportunity from foreign  shores.

Your 7th and 12th houses, which are related to relationships, long-distance travel, loss, and spending, are ruled by Venus. Venus will be moving through the fifth house of love, children and creativity, balancing your personal cup of love with blessings and your professional front with high earnings.

The professional front indicates good growth and progress with pay raises and job promotions if you are a salaried employee, along with good profit through new business opportunities if you are an independent business entrepreneur, where your tenacity and shrewdness will be rewarded with incentives. Your creativity will be at its peak, with added energy and drive that will help you perform at an exceptionally high level in your line of work.

Your close relationships will blossom with love and respect for one another; you will support your spouse without restrictions. After a period of unrest, your family connection will offer happiness, fulfillment and cordial relationships.



Be ready for financial increment, new friends and love, and the fulfillment of desires during this transit.

Your 6th and 11th houses of debt, illness and rivals, as well as your profits, money and desires, are ruled by Venus. Venus will be transiting through the fourth house, which represents home stability and harmony, and it will bring enjoyment and excitement to both your personal and professional life.

The transit of Venus in Pisces symbolizes the blessings of favorable occurrences on the professional front, whether you are a paid employee or an independent entrepreneur, where success is suggested based on how you apply your knowledge, coordinated with actions that will be good for your career and gains.
Financially, this transit will be favorable for you, allowing you to add luxuries and pleasures to your home or acquire a vehicle.

On the personal front, there will be evidence of fulfillment, joy and prosperity. You'll put forth an additional effort and take a strong initiative towards spending quality time with your family and loved ones in order to strengthen your sense of personal connection and your relationships with them.



The transit will bring you recognition and new opportunities and add a sparkle to your love relationship.

Venus rules over your 5th and 10th houses, which are related to love, procreation, children, and status. Venus will be transiting the third house, which rules initiative, bravery, short trips, and communication. This placement will reflect feelings of utterly irresistible love and adoration on the personal front while promoting career advancement at work.

Your professional front will advance and there may be areas that will require your attention at work, leading to growth and development through mutual coordination with coworkers, relationships with your superiors/associates, and other factors that will result in gains and recognition at the work front. But you will need to manage your money with careful monitoring, keep tabs on your spending and make timely financial decisions.

Your personal life will reflect good bonding with your partner and good connections with your family and friends. This transit will facilitate short trips with your loved ones and will be like a reviving cup of energy in personal relations. During this transit, love will portray its emotions in the finest possible light.



This transit will enhance your luck, wealth and chances of promotion.

Your 4th and 9th houses, which are associated with household contentment, stability, luck, spirituality, and extensive travel, are governed by Venus. Venus's transit through the second house of money, family and speech will bring harmony to your personal life and good fortune to your career.

All of your professional endeavors will progress flawlessly under the influence of Venus' transit in Pisces, and your previous and present professional endeavors will complement one another, giving you a solid boost in terms of your financial stability and dividends.

For your financial security, you must keep an eye on your spending. You may save money by making wise investments in the long run.

There will be a strong tie between you and your parents, a fragrance of self-satisfaction and understanding, a romantic tendency of sentiments and emotions with a partner or spouse, and an increasing comfort zone for your loved ones. With collaboration and mutual understanding, there will be peace and prosperity at home.



Your personality and relationship with siblings will shine during this transit. There will be opportunities to learn a new skill and you will receive recognition for your work.

Venus rules over your 3rd and 8th houses, which are related to initiative, short trips, communication, siblings, obstacles, and unexpected profits or losses. Venus's transit through the first house of Self, personality and knowledge portends both personal and professional success.

You will benefit professionally from this transit as an independent business owner with strong profits and revenue. If you are in the employment sector, you will be fortunate to benefit from this transit with raises or promotions in your current position due to inventive efforts and a proactive professional stance.

Due to exalted Venus in the ascendant, which will strengthen your marital relationship, your personal front will be progressive and loving, uniting your spouse, family and friends.

If you are not yet married but have already started on the romantic path, you will have a successful relationship and be prepared to take it to the next level of commitment.


Remedies to mitigate challenges during this Transit

Follow the remedies below, irrespective of your sign, to mitigate the challenges during this Transit:

  • Donation of white colored items such as rice, flowers, silver objects, curd, sugar, and cosmetics, particularly to young girls, would be beneficial for strengthening your Venus.
  • It might be lucky for you if you wear white or have a white handkerchief in your pocket, especially on Fridays.
  • Making a financial donation to an oldage home or someone less fortunate would be beneficial.