Mercury Transits Pisces (16 - 31 March): Effects

This transit fulfills your desires & requirements while helping you make better decisions. Mercury in Pisces will make you find solutions from ends that you never thought of & regarded as a medium for solution. It awakens parts of your brain that were resting in the subconscious & illuminates your mind with fresh ideas & unique ways of thinking.

Mercury Transits Pisces: Effects

Mercury transits Pisces from 16 March 2023 to 31 March 2023 but Mercury's analytical abilities, emphasis on details and communication style do not commonly fit with Pisces’ passionate ambitions and desires. During this transit, your vigilance over your thoughts is less prominent and there are several ways to augment your wishes based on strong instincts to make your life better.

  • Mercury in Pisces will make you find solutions from ends that you never thought of and regarded as a medium for solution.
  • Mercury transiting Pisces is like a torch that awakens parts of your brain that were resting in the subconscious and illuminates your mind with fresh ideas and unique ways of thinking.
  • A weak or afflicted Mercury in Pisces can bring up thoughts that are beyond words, and the transmission of these ideas can result in a muddled expression, which increases the likelihood of miscommunication with others, difficulty staying in touch with the concerned topic, and the tendency to forget essential information or say things that do not connect well with the main topic.
  • The strength of the positive and negative results of this transit, however, is based on the strength of Mercury and Pisces’ placement in your horoscope.


How Will This Transit Affect YOU?


If you are in the service or business sector, your professional front will demand extra effort and collaboration from colleagues or associates to establish your competence. You will have to work hard to progress in your career.

Mercury rules your 3rd house of initiative, siblings and short journeys, as well as your 6th house of debt, sickness and rivals. Mercury will transit Pisces in your 12th house of loss and expense, indicating obstacles at work and less progressive effects at home.

Your equation with your partner and family will be unsatisfactory since you will have the tendency to exert domineering pressure on your loved ones for no apparent reason, which will be detrimental to the intimacy and depth of your relationships.

Students will have a favorable transit, allowing them to succeed in competitive exams. Your health may offer challenges, therefore, take care of your health with appropriate food and fitness plan.



You will have good earnings from numerous sources and this transit will bless you with monetary benefits and strong prospects for development as an independent entrepreneur - you will even obtain the assistance of a family member in your professional ventures.

Mercury rules your second house of family and finance, as well as your fifth house of love, children and speculation. Mercury will transit Pisces in your 11th house of gains and fulfillment of aspirations, bringing you good money, profit and personal support.

You will earn your partner or spouse's support in this period, putting an end to the phase of multiple disputes. You will take time away from your work to spend quality time with your partner in order to bridge communication gaps and enhance mutual understanding.

Students will have to be more focused academically; you may have the opportunity to travel overseas for further education.



Your professional front will produce favorable results if you are a business entrepreneur where right decisions at the right time will yield strong future prospects, but you will have to steer clear of speculation, keep overconfidence at bay and thoughtfully assess the pros and cons of any professional situation. Avoid disclosing personal information and papers to strangers.

Mercury rules the ascendant, or first house of self and personality, as well as the fourth house of domestic peace and wealth. Mercury will transit Pisces in the 10th house of career and profession, bringing success, but avoid overconfidence during this transit.

You will experience a lively atmosphere at home during this period and good understanding with your partner and family. You will be able to express your feelings of love and devotion with a carefree attitude, bringing happiness into your personal relationships and support in your decision-making.



Your professional progress will be limited because you will need to work very hard work and balance it with a practical approach. If you are a working professional, you will need to make significant efforts to satisfy your professional obligations while also maintaining a cordial equation with your superiors in order to preserve beneficial relationships.

If you are an independent entrepreneur, you may experience professional setbacks as a result of your neglect. Long travels in this period will not benefit your work. Also, avoid making any significant investment.

Mercury rules your 3rd house of initiative, courage and siblings, as well as your 12th house of expenditure and loss. Mercury will transit through Pisces' 9th house of luck, fortune, lengthy travel, and spirituality, but will provide you with problems on both a personal and professional level.

You might navigate difficulties in your personal relationships, especially with partner or family, your emotional quotient will be high and so will be your expectations. You will expect a great deal of effort from your loved ones to adjust to your mood swings. Be practical in your approach or you may encounter indifference, particularly from your siblings.

Students may have the opportunity to pursue higher education abroad, which may provide a new path for academic careers.



You will have to be vigilant in all areas of your work life, and if you are a freelancer or independent entrepreneur, you will not get the expected results during this transit.

If you are a working professional, you may confront fluctuations at work where your opponents will try to take an opportunity to tarnish your professional image in front of your superiors. Therefore, keep your communication and plans low profile during this transit.

Mercury rules your 2nd house of family and finance, as well as your 11th house of income and fulfillment of aspirations. Mercury will transit Pisces in your 8th house of obstacles, fluctuations and inheritance/unearned money - thus any personal or professional speculation will be fruitless during this transit.

Your personal relationships will suffer due to egoistic fights with your spouse or partner and family, where minute things will take a complex shape. The elders in your family, particularly your in-laws, will try to restore harmony and peace.



At work, you will be occupied with tasks that will yield successful agreements for you. Mercury's transit in the career house will reward you with profits if you are an independent entrepreneur, it will offer you financial security, allowing you to pay off whatever obligations you may have.

If you are a working professional, you will receive positive outcomes and appreciation for your efforts, which may result in a long-awaited promotion or salary increase.

Personal relationships with your spouse or family will be quite engaging, with pleasant vibes of solid partnerships, good understanding and tuning, particularly with your father and spouse, which will help you in major decision-making.

Mercury rules your ascendant, or first house of self and personality, and the tenth house of career and profession. Mercury will transit Pisces in your 7th house of affiliations, partnership and travel, blessing you with progress in your job and personal connections, but exercise caution with your health.

You must take care of your health by making appropriate lifestyle changes, including a healthy diet and an exercise regimen for mental and physical fitness.



You will feel that your work is tougher than usual and is producing lower results than expected, giving your competitors an opportunity to get an edge over your professional pursuits. However, avoid getting caught up in any turmoil because this transit is temporary, and keep a low profile to prevent major setbacks.

Mercury rules your 9th house of wealth, luck and long travel, as well as your 12th house of loss and expense. Mercury will transit Pisces in your 6th house of adversaries, debt and sickness, indicating difficulties at work, in relationships and health.

Your relationship with your spouse or partner will be filled with love. Your father may make an extra effort to relieve you of the burden of professional and personal responsibilities on you or assist you in your endeavors.



You will experience a beneficial phase in your professional life, even though it may present unexpected barriers in your work schedule. But you will make progress with your hard work and commitment. A prior investment will safeguard your financial situation and a windfall may come through lotteries or the stock market.

Mercury rules your 8th house of obstacles and inheritance, as well as your 11th house of profits and fulfillment of ambitions. Mercury will transit Pisces in your 5th house of love, children, speculation, and creativity, presenting both challenges and opportunities.

You will relish a good connection with your partner or spouse. There will be courteous communication, but also an underlying unhappiness due to a lack of mutual coordination and understanding.

Mercury in Pisces will be beneficial for students.



The transit of Mercury in Pisces will weave interconnected pathways between your personal and professional fronts, where you will see that events in personal relationships impact the professional front.

You must work gradually and your efforts will assist you in balancing your professional life with hard work, wisdom, honesty, and commitment. These characteristics will not only help you balance your professional life, but will also assist you in completing all of your tasks as scheduled.

Mercury rules your 7th house of marriage and partnership, as well as your 10th house of career and profession. Mercury will transit Pisces in your 4th house of stability and comfort, indicating growth at work with minor obstacles at home.

Your personal life will teach you how to prevent any form of disagreement with your family or partner, who will reward you with their understanding. This will foster peace and harmony in your personal connections, although unexpected confrontations are possible despite your best efforts.

Throughout this transit, you and your partner/spouse will provide unconditional love and devotion to each other in all spheres of life.



You will experience positive feelings, gains and recognition because of your hard work this transit. Your efforts, honest approach and commitment will earn you the favor of your coworkers. But you will need to be careful with your words while communicating with others, as any competitor can use this against you and destroy your professional reputation.

Your personal life will be enriched by mutual understanding and happenings in the house that will reflect a peaceful atmosphere. Be mindful about maintaining decorum in speech while speaking with loved ones and close friends, so that your words do not harm them.

Mercury rules your 6th house of debt, sickness and rivals, as well as your 9th house of luck, fortune and long travel. Mercury will transit Pisces in your 3rd house of initiative, courage and endeavors, which will have a lucky and favorable influence on both your professional and personal life, but you must be cautious throughout this transit.



You will need to develop the skill of communicating with others while focusing on your ideas and have meaningful conversations that benefit both parties. This will bring you professional advantages and a strong reputation. During this transit, your earnings will be adequate to pay off any previous debts.

In your personal life, there might be fights with your family and partner or spouse as a result of the confusing remarks that may arise during your conversations. You will need to be cautious with your words, particularly while communicating to young children.

Mercury rules your 5th house of love, children, speculation, and creativity, as well as your 8th house of obstacles and inheritance. Mercury will transit Pisces in your 2nd house of family and financial stability, indicating you need to exercise prudence in your behavioral patterns and words for progress in your profession and for solid personal connections.

Take care of your health by eating well and exercising regularly by practicing yoga and meditation.



Be cautious in all your professional ventures, including the planning of any venture, as well as the materializing and execution of your venture. You will have to be alert while making decisions, presence of mind will be required, as it is likely to affect your long-term prospects.

Seek the counsel of an elder or more experienced person as you move ahead with your professional attempts.

Mercury rules your 4th house of domestic peace and prosperity, as well as your 7th house of marriage and partnership. Mercury will transit Pisces in your own house or ascendant, where your personality will grow on a personal and professional level because of your efforts.

Your personal relationships will see both love and hate. Your deep love and affection for your spouse or partner will be visible. Whenever you feel something negative in the relationship, it will be best to communicate with patience to clear any doubt and negativity.


Remedies to mitigate Challenges

Irrespective of your sign, follow the remedies below to mitigate the challenges that come up during this transit:

  • Wear all shades of green to increase Mercury's strength.
  • Respect female members of your family.
  • Donate money or other items to orphanages and old-age homes for prosperity and peace in your relationships.