Mercury Transits Aries (31 March – 7 June): Effects

The transit of Mercury in Aries can make you a very good communicator; give you courage, power & determination to persuade others logically, intellectually & rationally. But when Mercury retrogrades, it can create a series of events with consequences that are opposite from the usual.

Mercury Transits Aries (31 March – 7 June): Effects

Mercury will transit Aries in the upcoming days. The dates are as follows:

  • Mercury transits Aries (31 March till 7 June 2023).
  • Mercury retrogrades in Aries on 21 April 2023.
  • Mercury will become progressive in Aries on 15 May 2023 and stay there till 7 June 2023.

The transit of Mercury in Aries can make you a very good communicator; give you courage, power and determination to persuade others logically, intellectually and rationally over any concerned matter.

But when Mercury retrogrades in Aries, which means Mercury appears to move backwards in its orbit, it creates a series of events with consequences that are opposite from the usual – like confusions in daily schedule, misunderstanding in relationships, breakdown in travel plans, low productivity at work, emotional annoyances, inconveniences, and insignificant irritations.

  • The benefic placement of Mercury/Aries will always give you excellent reasoning skills, good analytical assessment of any particular task, ability to take quick decisions and action.
  • Weak/afflicted Mercury/Aries will hamper your intelligence, analytical sense and communication skills, will weaken your decision-making abilities and actions.
  • Mercury’s transit in Aries can also make you less concerned with the objective viewpoints and explanations of others, apprehensive about reaching to any conclusion or decision especially on personal and professional fronts.
  • This transit also indicates a controversial relationship between the planet of communication and assertive Aries, but this combination makes your thought process and ideas more original. It makes you communicate spontaneously and in a straightforward manner whereby speedy decisions, mental competition and combative responses rule.
  • The transit can make you prompt, impulsive, sensual, get into quick temperamental decisions that can even lead to wrong relationships which may give way to superficial show of attachment that is expressed very quickly, driven by physical attraction.
  • The strength of positive and negative effects of Mercury’s transit and retrograde Mercury in Aries depends upon the placement of Mercury/Aries in your horoscope.

How will this transit affect YOU?

  1. Aries

Your workplace will reflect your brilliance, intelligence, confidence and strength that will help you to take some wise and serious decisions, will give you opportunities in future that will help you earn good gains. But overconfidence and reckless speech at the workplace may backfire. Practice caution in your professional ventures.

For Aries sign, Mercury is the lord of 3rd house of initiative, siblings and short journey and 6th house of debt, disease and rivals. Mercury will transit Aries in your 1st house of self, personality and nature, which will trigger progress in your career and personal relations, but you will have to practice caution.

On the personal front, you will have to put in efforts in your relationship with your partner/spouse and family. Spend quality time with them, which will be beneficial for your peace of mind. Despite occasional conflicts, you will share a deep mutual understanding with your spouse.

Retrograde Mercury in Aries will make you more frustrated and tired than usual. The assertive and impulsive Aries in you will love to move forward in professional correspondence and personal relationships with full vigor, but the Mercurial energy will push you backwards. Keep a watch on your speech; try and heed the good advice of others for personal benefit.

  1. Taurus

Plan a trip with your partner/family to rekindle the bonding. Practice patience, attention and romance in your marital relationship. If you are single, you may meet someone special who will endorse your friendship and love, build a sparkling romance but there can also be separation due to personal travel prospects.

For Taurus sign, Mercury is the lord of 2nd house of family and finance and 5th house of love, children and speculation. Mercury will transit Aries in your 12th house of loss, expenditure and foreign gains along with a tinge of extra expenditure and challenges in relationships despite good gains.

You will enjoy good gains and recognition during this transit with extra hard work and efforts. Independent entrepreneurs will be able to make good earnings through intelligent deals with clients. Your efforts will be supported by your luck but try not to speculate with your finances as you will face extra workload and increase in expenditure at the work front.

If you are a student, you will get admission in the educational institute of your choice abroad.

Retrograde Mars in Aries may bring setbacks in your personal relationships and professional ventures where there are chances of being cheated in money matters. Taurus represents slow and steady movements, it will be necessary for you to formulate your thoughts carefully and then create strategies for money matters, family relationships and professional coordination by avoiding hasty decisions, arguments and new investments for smooth gliding during this period.

  1. Gemini

You will enjoy abundance in gains and profit due to your eloquence in speech and innovative ideas. You will draw good monetary gains as an independent entrepreneur from various sources that will provide you with financial stability.

As a working professional, you will be able to implement your creative thinking into action with intellectual applications that will bring you recognition from superiors. Your communication skills will excel that will give momentum to new opportunities.

For Gemini sign, Mercury is the lord of the Ascendant or 1st house of self and personality and 4th house of domestic peace and prosperity. Mercury will transit Aries in the 11th house of income, gains and fulfillment of desires, which will be favorable for you.

Your personal relationships will also be very beautiful in terms of bonding with your partner/family members; you will have the opportunity to spend quality time with your partner, there will be good mutual understanding.

Retrograde Mercury in Aries can subject you to miscommunications with your partner/family over insignificant issues. You may not be able to articulate your conversation clearly on phone calls or emails, which will affect your professional gains and relationship in a negative way.

  1. Cancer

Your personal life will be blessed with your partner’s love and affection, you both will take care of each other’s feelings and emotions. Also, try and avoid any argument with your family, especially younger sibling and father as it may create a lot of stress in your personal relations.

For Cancer sign, Mercury is the lord of 3rd house of initiative, courage and siblings and 12th house of expenditure and loss. Mercury’s transit in Aries will be transiting in your 10th house of career, name and fame that will bring fluctuations in your life.

Your professional profile will see fluctuations, professional prospects will not be consistent. But with your determination and strong will, you will overcome these challenges. A peaceful attitude will facilitate good relationships with your colleagues and their support. Avoid any emotional outburst at office as it may tarnish your reputation.

Retrograde Mercury in Aries may bring unexpected results at work that will be beneficial for you after initial obstacles; try to complete your professional projects on time. You may feel annoyed with the usual household responsibilities due to the lack of communication with your loved ones that may cause anxiety to your nurturing instincts.

  1. Leo

Professionally, you will experience financial gains and success in all your ventures. This will bring you financial stability and social recognition during this period. As an independent entrepreneur, you will be able to complete all pending tasks, you will exhibit good management skills and your efforts will bless you with the timely execution of your ventures. Even as a working professional, you will achieve success through your sturdy action and understanding to win gains in your career.

For Leo sign, Mercury is the lord of 2nd house of family and finance and 11th house of income and fulfillment of desires. Mercury’s transit in Aries will be in your 9th house of luck, fortune, spirituality and long travel that will bless you with positive impact at both the personal and professional fronts.

Your personal life will be blessed with luxury, materialistic security and personal happiness due to financial stability that would enhance the warmth in your personal relationships. There will be good mutual understanding with your partner/family.

Retrograde Mercury in Aries indicates a challenging time for you vis-à-vis professional gains, where your efforts and analysis will not match and cause mental stress. Your personal relationships will also be affected adversely by your professional stress. Avoid speculation in your financial and relationship quotients. Pay heed to the advice of your friends and associates if you wish for gains in this period.

  1. Virgo

Your professional front will have the dual attitude – as a working professional you will face challenges as your efforts will not yield expected results; but be assured that this is just a transitory phase that will bring along improvement in your work front. It will be beneficial if you evaluate the degree of efforts required for gaining the correct results. Financial gains through past investments and professional deals may come through.

For Virgo sign, Mercury is the lord of the Ascendant or 1st house of self and personality and 10th house of career and profession. Mercury’s transit in Aries will be in your 8th house of hurdles, sudden loss and gains that will present professional challenges but personal contentment for you.

Your personal life does not promise the desired level of contentment; your family relations will require your attention. Your partner/spouse will give you emotional support as you are likely to be anxious due to health concerns in the family, especially vis-à-vis your parents.

Retrograde Mercury in Aries indicates challenging situations at work, where a series of events like delay in production/delivery, breakdown of equipments, conflicts among coworkers may take place in a haphazard manner that will cause you stress. Your family may demand extra attention. It will be beneficial to double cross all events before ticking them off as finished.

  1. Libra

As an independent entrepreneur, you will draw good profit and momentum in your pursuits that will bring opportunities for further expansion. As a working professional, you will be rewarded for your hard work and gain the admiration of your superiors. Overseas related partnership/associations may bring you the desired gains.

For Libra sign, Mercury has a hold of the 9th house of luck, fortune and long travel and12th house of loss and expenditure. Mercury’s transit in Aries will be in the 7th house of marriage and partnership, which will bring you favorable results.

If you are single, there are chances of getting married during this transit even though currently there are no signs of any spark of romance. Marital relations will demand special attention.

Retrograde Mercury in Aries can cause situations in your life where accepting the situations and people rather than trying to change them may mitigate the stress. An inclination towards indecision may cause anxiety, so avoid any change at work and home. Stay calm to maintain balance in your envoirment and self.

  1. Scorpio

You will have the unconditional support of your family/friends, whether financial or emotional, during this transit.

However, for Scorpio sign, Mercury is the lord of the 8th house of hurdles and inheritance and 11th house of gains and fulfillment of desires. Mercury’s transit in Aries will be in the 6th house of debt, disease and rivals, bringing challenges and fluctuations in your life.

You will face professional challenges that will require attention, hard work and efforts to minimize them. There can be financial restrictions. Take precautionary steps to avoid extra financial expenditure. As a working professional, you may get into arguments with your superiors; you will have to maintain your focus on your goals and decorum of behavior so that your professional image is not tarnished.

Retrograde Mercury in Aries will work on the sensitivity of emotions rather than the use of common sense. This period is likely to pose challenges in matters of the heart as well as your professional sphere; maintain a low profile and avoid discussing your plans with others. Take care of your health. You are likely to be ruled by your heart rather than practical thinking.

  1. Sagittarius

Your professional plans, as an independent entrepreneur, will be successful because of planned execution and use of your intellect. As a working professional, you will have the creativity that will stimulate your professional prospects with positive results and good gains. The transit will bless you with good professional opportunities where you will scale the pinnacle of your career, but be alert about professional rivals to safeguard your reputation.

For Sagittarius sign, Mercury is the lord of the 7th house of marriage, partnership and 10th house of career, profession. Mercury’s transit in Aries will be in the 5th house of children, love and speculation that will yield beneficial results for you.

Your personal life will be peaceful due to your wisdom and efforts. You will share good relations with your family and children. You will be the best for your parents and best mentors for your children.

Retrograde Mercury in Aries will be a time of contradictions and success may come to you in certain matters but at a greater price than expected. It will be essential to avoid any kind of event in case of miscommunication with others, rather than rescheduling and expecting delays. It will be beneficial for you to observe patience and keep your frame of mind fresh as this is a transitory phase.

  1. Capricorn

You will see a good professional life with good monetary profits from your ventures. This will enhance your reputation in the professional sphere. There will be secure finances during this transit. As a working professional, you will see improvement in your work life with an enhancement in your work profile.

For Capricorn sign, Mercury is the lord of the 6th house of debt, disease and rivals and 9th house of luck, fortune and long travel. The transit of Mercury in Aries will be in the 4th house of domestic peace /prosperity and mother; it will convey fruitful results to you.

But your personal life will demand your attention. Spend quality time with your friends, family and enhance your social life to revive the love and affection quotient your partner, family and loved ones, especially mother. You will have to be vigilant over property related controversial matters that may cause rift in family relationships.

Retrograde Mercury in Aries will be a period full of challenges on the personal and professional fronts, with differences of opinion due to miscommunication over concerned matters. More efforts will not amount to the expected results.

  1. Aquarius

You will have good professional prospects. As an independent entrepreneur, you will be able to weave creative way of presenting your innovative ideas to your clients that will give you a winning streak over your competitors. As a working professional, you will have the opportunity to prove your caliber and confidence that can manifest increment in salary.

For Aquarius sign, Mercury is the lord of the 5th house of love, children and speculation, creativity and 8th house of hurdles and inheritance. The transit of Mercury in Aries will be in the 3rd house of initiative, siblings and short trips that will bless you with progress in career and meaningful relationships in personal life.

Your personal and social life will be progressive. You will attract new prospects of friendship and professional connection. You will share good coordination with your siblings who may ask for financial assistance; your creative ideas and hobbies may expand into excellent professional dealings with them as partners.

As a student you will be able to pursue your studies as this transit will support you to attain good results in academics with your hard work and success.

Retrograde Mercury in Aries sign will be a period when you will have to avoid any step that may cause disputes at work. This phase may put your personal relationships at risk, arising out of a matter without prior notice. Restrain yourself and avoid any kind of miscommunication and misunderstanding at all levels.

  1. Pisces

Your professional life will be secure and see constant monetary gains and success due to your hard work. Your business strategies, as an independent entrepreneur, will bring amazing results and will present opportunities to expand your ventures. As a working professional, you will gain the close proximity of your superiors due to excellent work performance that will render them good gains and recognition.

For Pisces signs, Mercury is the lord of the 4th house of domestic peace and prosperity, stability and 7th house of marriage and partnership. Mercury’s transit in Aries will be in the 2nd house of family, finance and speech, which will bless you with personal and professional prosperity; caution over speech will be beneficial.

There will be love, affection and contentment in your personal and family relationships.

Retrograde Mercury in Aries may cause many unexpected results; so avoid indulging in any professional pursuit that seem profitable without getting a reality check done. Your personal front may seem quiet and serene but avoid conflicts with clarity in communication. Practice creative pursuits that are your hobbies – like dance, writing, photography, etc. for peace of mind.

Remedies to mitigate challenges during this Transit

Irrespective of your Sign, you can practice the following to reduce the ill-effects that this transit may bring in your life.

  • Wear all shades of green while going out of the house, even if it is just a handkerchief in your pocket.
  • Donate in cash or kind to old age homes, orphanages and the less privileged.
  • Respect women at work, home and all elder women in the family.
  • Avoid cheating anyone for your personal benefit.