Mars Transits Cancer (10 May-30 June)

Mars transits Cancer on 10th May 2023 and will stay there till 30th June 2023. This transit brings sensitivity and heightened emotions and also focuses on family, home and personal security. It has various effects on everyone, depending on their horoscope and the interaction of transit with other planetary movements.

Mars Transits Cancer (10 May-30 June)


Mars is a fiery planet of action, determination and courage and Cancer is a water sign that represents our feelings, nurturing emotions and instincts, so this transit brings heightened emotions and sensitivity that is focused more on home, family, loved ones and individual security.

  • Mars represents aggression in you while Cancer is the water sign which represents emotional instincts, and the combined energy of Mars in Cancer will escalate the emotional strength where you are likely to express your feelings and reacting impulsively towards a situation/person.
  • Mars gives us energy and courage in our personal lives, but it is necessary to keep a tab on emotional status during transit period to avoid getting into conflicts with loved ones.
  • Cancer is the sign of nurturing emotions that are likely to bring a strong sense of loyalty and protectiveness towards your loved ones due to Mars’s influence during this transit.
  • Mars is debilitated in Cancer, so the strong desire to protect and defend your loved ones has to be kept in check so that you do not cross your boundaries and it is necessary to avoid impulsive behaviour that may lead to conflicts due to communication gap/misunderstanding.
  • Afflicted Mars in any your horoscope can cause rashness in behaviour due to impulsiveness and can aggravate health problems related to blood and muscles.
  • A strong Mars in your horoscope blesses you with gains from property related matters and it gives you the power of winning over your rivals with your strong will and determination.
  • Overall, the transit of Mars in Cancer can grab your attention towards your personal, physical and emotional security, so it will be beneficial to set up your personal boundaries, create healthy ways to express your emotions to others.

How will this Transit affect You?


Your professional life will see a new growth which will help in your financial increment and stability. You may feel high on energy which might make you impulsive at times which will create conflicts with colleagues on the work front. It is wise to stay grounded and communicate politely with others during this transit.

Mars rules the 1st house of self, personality and nature and 8th house of obstacles and sudden loss/gains. Mars transits Cancer in the 4th house of domestic peace and prosperity that will give beneficial results during this period.

You will enjoy a good time with your near and dear ones. Any conflicts with your partner will be resolved during this period. It is wise to avoid arguing over small things with family members. Take care of your parents’ health. Avoid extravagance to maintain good financial stability.


Your hard work and best efforts would help you in your career growth. Your courage and strong determination will be liked by your senior and you will be capable of winning over your rivals. Avoid any kind of conflicts with your colleagues, seniors and associates on the work front. If you are working in a creative field or on social media platform, then you will get good reputation during this transit.

Mars rules the 12th house of loss, abroad settlement and 7th house of marriage and partnership. The transit of Mars in Cancer in the 3rd house of initiative, courage and siblings will give beneficial results, but with efforts and caution in your overall prospects are in demand.

You will have a strong desire to fulfill your family’s demands and will work hard to provide them with a comfortable and luxurious lifestyle. You will plan a short trip with your spouse, partner or family to strengthen your bond by spending quality time together. Take care of your siblings’ health and keep your communication clear with others to avoid any conflict.


You will enjoy success on the professional front, but if you are an independent entrepreneur, then you might face some challenges in your endeavors. Your rivals may try to tarnish your image, but you will overcome with your intelligence. Your hard and best efforts will be liked by your seniors. This transit might affect your sweet voice, so you need to be attentive while having conversation as a harsh speech will ruin your sweet bonding in any relationship.

Mars rules the 6th house of debt, disease and rivals and 11th house of gains. The transit of Mars in Cancer will be in the 2nd house of family, finance and speech that will give beneficial results during this transit.

You need to be attentive towards your personal relationship by controlling your aggression and finding a healthy way to express your emotions. Your powerful sense of intuition will help you in analyzing your own weakness so that you can transform yourself to be better than ever. Follow a healthy diet to take care of your health and exercise regime by practicing Yoga and meditating more. This will help to maintain your mental and physical health.


You will enjoy success on the professional front that will strengthen your financial stability. You will be rewarded with a good salary increment and enhancement in your work profile, thanks to your hard work. Your colleagues and associates will cooperate with you. Avoid hasty decisions and communication as it might land you in conflict.

Mars rules the 5th house of love, children & speculation and 10th house of career and status. Mars’s transit in Cancer in the 1st house of self will give mixed results during this transit.

You will enjoy romantic time with your partner or spouse. Respect your partner’s personal space as too many restrictions could cause arguments that may not be easily resolved. Try to have a clear and healthy conversation with your partner or family to iron out misunderstandings. Try to spend quality time with your children to understand them in a better way. You may suffer blood related problems, so be careful about it.


You need to work hard to avoid any challenging situation on the work front if you are working in a foreign company. avoid unnecessary expenses or impulsive investment as it might lead to a financial crunch.

Mars rules the 4th house of domestic happiness, stability and 9th house of long travel, spirituality and luck. Mars transits Cancer in 12th house of loss and settlement abroad, so it will give opportunities for higher studies abroad.

Due to lack of mutual understanding, you may face conflicts and disagreement in your family life. There will be unexpected expenses which will cause you stress due to the financial crunch. Try to be careful about your personal and professional life to avoid stress.


You will enjoy success in your business and gain good profit, thanks to the opportunities coming your way. You will achieve your professional goal with your hard work. With your strong determination and quick action, you will overcome any challenges that your rivals created. Your skills and talent will put you in the good books of your seniors and you will get remarkable increment.

Mars rules the 3rd house of initiative, courage and siblings and 8th house of obstacles. Mars transits Cancer in 11th house of gains and fulfillment of desires that will give beneficial results during this transit.

You will enjoy quality time with your friends, family and siblings. Be careful about your behavior as any harsh reply might ruin the sweet bond in your relationships. Your over possessiveness and dominating attitude will create conflict and distance with your spouse, but a strong physical intimacy with your partner will rejuvenate your relationship.


Your career will see a new rise during this transit as your hard work will be appreciated by your superiors at the workplace. If you are an independent entrepreneur, then your presentation and quick delivery fashion will be liked by your clients. You will gain power and authority at the workplace and your responsibilities will increase at workplace. Avoid any ego clashes with anyone at the workplace as it might lead to professional loss.

Mars rules the 2nd house of family, finance & speech and 7th house of marriage and partnership. Mars’s transit in Cancer in the 10th house of career and status will give beneficial results with hard work and vigilance during this transit.

You may not enjoy your personal relationship due to being careless. There will be an increase in disharmony and discontent in your marital, familial and personal relationships, so it is essential to maintain a good balance between personal and professional life.


Your professional life will give you some ups and downs in terms of finance and gains. Put in your best effort and work hard to achieve success in your professional life. This transit may cause long travels related to work that will be exhausting and unfruitful, so try to avoid travelling during this transit.

Mars rules the 1st house of self, personality and nature and 6th house of debt, disease and rivals. Mars’s transit Cancer in the 9th house of luck, long travel and spirituality which will give fewer progressive results during this transit.

You may not enjoy your professional life during this period. You may get into arguments with your father and siblings. You may argue over small matters with your friends and dear ones and hurt them by using harsh words. Don’t allow your impulsive emotions to run the show. Take care of the health of elders’ members at home.


You may face a financial crunch due to failure of professional venture. Past investment may not garner profit during this period. You may get an unexpected opportunity to get your financial status back on track through some ancestral legacy or property. Be careful in your communication as it might lead to a loss on the financial front.

Mars rules the 5th house of love, children and speculation and 12th house of loss and expenditure. The transit of Mars in Cancer in the 8th house of obstacles, sudden loss/gain will be less progressive during this transit.

You may not enjoy your personal life as there might be conflicts with your partner or spouse. This conflict can get more serious if not resolved on time. Avoid impulsive or hasty approach in your personal relationship. Try to be clear while having a conversation as it might create misunderstanding.


You need to implement a practical and intellectual approach in your professional endeavor rather than being emotional. Your relationship with your supervisors at the workplace may not be cordial during this transit. Job change during this time is not fruitful. Also, you might not get support from friends and seniors.

Mars rules your 4th house of domestic happiness, stability and 11th house of gains and fulfillment of desires. The transit of Mars in Cancer in the 7th house of marriage and partnership indicates you to be careful to get expected outcomes during this transit.

There can be conflict in personal and marital relationships due to this transit. Your spouse's attitude might be aggressive which could cause tension between you and your partner. So, it's important for you to deal with the situation with a polite conversation.


You will enjoy success in your professional ventures as your hard work and best effort would be appreciated by your seniors and boss. There might be a possibility of several job or business trips which will be beneficial for monetary gains. You will be capable of winning over your opponent.

Mars rules the 3rd house of courage, inclination, sibling, and 10th house of career and status--. The transit of Mars in Cancer sign will be in the 6th house debt, disease and rivals will give beneficial results on the professional front and conflict on the personal front during this transit.

Your personal /family life will move at its normal pace with no new development, but conflicts in your marital relations or with your in-laws are possible without any significant reason. Take care of the health of your partner/spouse as it is likely to deteriorate due to an increase in stress levels and anxiety.


Your best efforts and hard work will boost your professional status and income through salary increment. You will have the opportunity to change your job, but caution is advised to keep yourself grounded in your behaviour to get prosperity on your professional front.

Mars rules the 2nd house of family, finance and speech and 9th house of luck, spirituality and long travel. The transit of Mars in Cancer in the 5th house of love and children will boost your income and conflicts in personal life during this transit.

You may not enjoy a good relationship with your partner during this transit. There will be ego clashes and conflicts with your spouse. There will be a lack of understanding with your partner if personal issues are not handled with care. Be careful about your children’s growth. You are advised to keep vigilance over your personal/professional and financial matters for consistent progress.

Remedies For Mars Transits Cancer for All Zodiac Signs

  • Donate blood if your health permits or donate Jaggery and peanuts to the underprivileged.
  • Wearing of Copper bracelet in your right hand will be progressive for you.
  • Donation of red clothes to the orphanage or old age homes will be beneficial during the transit of Mars in Cancer.