Narendra Modi: Astrological Chart & Horoscope Astrological Portrait

About Narendra Modi

The astrological portrait of Narendra Modi

Birth Data & Astrological Statistics

Name: Narendra Modi
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 17 Sep, 1950
Time of Birth: 00:00
Place of Birth: Vadnagar, Gujarat, India
Moon sign: Scorpio
Sun Sign: Virgo
Nakshatra (Constellation): Vishakha
Lagna (Ascendant): Gemini

Horoscope and Chart - Narendra Modi (Vedic System)

Birth Chart
Moon Chart
Planet Positions
As Gem 3° 0' 3" Me Mrigasira 3 Ma
Su Vir 0° 8' 40" Me U.Phalguni 2 Su
Mo Sco 2° 12' 15" Ma Vishakha 4 Ju
Ma Sco 0° 37' 7" Ma Vishakha 4 Ju
Me Vir 1° 15' 54" Me U.Phalguni 2 Su
Ju Aqu 6° 38' 42" Sa Dhanistha 4 Ma
Ve Leo 15° 7' 10" Su P.Phalguni 1 Ve
Sa Leo 29° 35' 38" Su U.Phalguni 1 Su
Ra Pis 5° 12' 26" Ju U.Bhadrapada 1 Sa
Ke Vir 5° 12' 26" Me U.Phalguni 3 Su
Ur Gem 15° 56' 45" Me Ardra 3 Ra
Ne Vir 23° 2' 30" Me Hasta 4 Mo
Pl Can 25° 43' 59" Mo Ashlesha 3 Me